It may help you to think of this like a piano the white keys are natural notes, and the black keys are the sharps and flats.

However, you may have heard someone mention sharps and flats in music, which are notes that fall between the natural notes. These basic letters are what we call “natural notes”. The names of the letters for guitar strings relate to what we call the “Musical Alphabet Guitar”, which consists of 7 letters A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. An easy acronym to help you remember this is “ E ddy A te D ynamite G ood B ye E ddy”! Some of my younger students also like the acronym “ E lephants A nd D onkeys G row B ig E ars”. The order of the open guitar string letters in standard tuning are EADGBE (from the thickest string to the thinnest string). Each string has an assigned note and letter name.

With all the frets on our instruments, it can be intimidating to learn all of the notes that are possible to be played that is, unless you understand a few basic concepts! Here is an easy way to understand all of the 6 string guitar notes using the musical alphabet and chromatic scale… Open Stringsįirst, let’s talk about the 6 open strings of the guitar. The Romantic Guitar and Classical Guitar also introduced fixed metal frets which separated the guitar’s notes into easy to find sections. It wasn’t until the 1800’s when the Romantic Guitar decided on using only six strings, which allowed the guitarist to play melodic lines and chords more easily.

The guitar we know and love today evolved from the lutes of the Renaissance and Baroque Era, which had multiple pairs of strings as well as moveable frets made out of cattle gut. Throughout history, plucked instruments have evolved and changed their string amounts and the way they are tuned.